Bayerischer Rundfunk, Bergauf Bergab
Rainer Pickl, Helmut Schmidt
Kilian Neuwert
Simon Bartl, Edi, Käppeler
The Laliderer Northface is one of the tallest rock faces in the Eastern Alps. The climbs up this wall are notorious and wonderful at the same time. Already in their early climbing years, Rainer Pickl and Helmut Schmidt left their footprints in this spectacular landmark of the Karwendel Massive. The film follows the two mountain guides through their journey of memory's by climbing with them through the wall for another time. It shows the contrast of change between historical alpine environment and todays consume tourism as well as a review of the biggest rescue operation in the wall back in the 1960's and shows the current concept of the Bergrettung Tirol, how a rescue could be successful nowadays. 
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